SportsCrack Blog

Saturday, December 01, 2007


Miles: "There was misinformation on ESPN and I think it's imperative that I straighten it out. I'm the head coach at LSU, I will be the head coach at LSU, I have no interest in talking to anyone else. I have a championship game to play and I'm excited about the opportunity of my damn strong football team to play in it. And that's really all I'd like to say. It's unfortunate I had to address my team with this information this morning. With that being done, I think we'll be ready to play. There will be no questions for me; I represent me in this issue, please ask me after. I'm busy. Thank you very much, and have a great day."

Miles is playing the $$ game and screwing his alma mater at the same time. Fuck, I hope this never ends...

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